Resep Takjil Sehat Milo ice dino


Milo ice dino. A Milo dinosaur is a Singaporean chocolate malt-based beverage most commonly found in hawker centres, composed of a cup of iced Milo (a chocolate malt beverage) with undissolved Milo powder added on top of it. It is usually served cold to prevent the powder from immediately dissolving in the drink. How to Make Milo Dinosaur: Mix Milo Powder and Condensed milk in a tall glass.

Resep Takjil Sehat Milo ice dino Dissolve the Milo powder in a mug with hot (but not boiling) water. Add the milk and whipping cream and continue to mix thoroughly. Use this opportunity to taste and adjust to your liking. Anda ingin Makan takjil yang mudah? berikut ini kami sajikan Milo ice dino lengkap dengan 6 bahan-bahan dan 4 cara. Begini cara mengolah.

Bahan-bahan Milo ice dino

  1. Kau butuh 2 sachet untuk milo.
  2. Bersiaplah 1 sachet untuk SKM putih.
  3. Kau butuh 200 ml untuk air hangat.
  4. Kau butuh Secukupnya untuk es batu.
  5. Kau butuh untuk Topping :.
  6. Kau butuh untuk Chocochips putih(bebas,sesuaikan).

Add more Milo or milk as needed. Add ice cubes for iced Milo dinosaur. Sprinkle with more powdered Milo on top, and enjoy with a straw. Place the Milo powder, sugar, and hot water in a mug or cup, then stir briskly until the powder has completely dissolved.

Milo ice dino Cara Membuat

  1. 2 sachet milo bubuk seduh dengan air hangat.
  2. Tuang 1sachet SKM putih pada gelas lalu tuang susu milo.aduk rata..
  3. Masukan es batu..
  4. Sajikan dengan topping chocochips..

Add the ice cubes and cold milk and mix it briefly with a spoon. For a more chocolatey taste, you can add cocoa powder. For me, who grew up with Milo, this drink is one of the best drinks I've enjoyed. Dont forget to hit LIKE and SUBSCRIBE button 👍 No, not Es Kepal but my favorite Milo drink, it's Milo Dinosaur. The more Milo powder on top the better.

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