Lemon tea with honey


Lemon tea with honey. Another thing on the list that is especially comforting when one has a cold is a hot cup of honey and lemon tea. Drinking honey and lemon tea in the morning on an empty stomach can be very beneficial. It works as an excellent detox agent.

Lemon tea with honey It serves as a digestive aid by providing an overall. Lemon tea with honey on the other hand, is packed with double the nutrients and double the health benefits. Lemon with honey is known to make your skin suppler and smoother, due to the high concentration of antioxidants in lemons and Vitamin C, which aids in preventing skin damage. Anda ingin Resep gampang? berikut ini kami sajikan Lemon tea with honey serta 4 bahan-bahan dan 3 cara. Begini cara membuat.

Bahan-bahan Lemon tea with honey

  1. Ini adalah 2 potong untuk tipis jeruk nipis.
  2. Bersiaplah 2 sdm untuk madu.
  3. Kamu butuh untuk Air.
  4. Ini adalah untuk Daun mint.

When ever anyone in my family has a sore throat or the flu We go straight for the tea with honey. I boil water and steep a tea bag in a mug and add a tablespoon of honey. Having honey lemon tea in the morning is very beneficial as it is great in uplifting mood. The lethargic and the tired feeling can be quickly driven away.

Lemon tea with honey Langkah-langkah

  1. Tuang air ke cangkir, peras jeruk nipis..
  2. Masukkan madu, aduk rata. Atasnya taruh daun mint..
  3. Dinikmati dingin atau hangat sangat segar..

Tea is a comparatively healthy alternative to coffee and soda. Lemon is nature's antiseptic and is packed with vitamin C, and honey is nature's energy. Make a simple mug of honey and lemon tea for a warming drink you can brew in minutes. This easy recipe requires just two everyday ingredients. Mix the honey and lemon juice in the bottom of a cup while you boil the kettle.

Penulis berharap anda menyukai resep jualan yang kami bagikan diatas, dan jangan lupa cek beragam kumpulan Resep lainya, hanya di Radea.co,

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